Contact Us

If this is a medical emergency, please call 911.

If you are interested in becoming a new patient, please call the individual practice

For any other questions, please contact your provider’s office or use our secure Patient Portal.

If you would like to provide us with your feedback, please use the form below. Please do not use the online form below for any questions related to patient care. We cannot answer questions regarding patient care via email.

At Crouse Medical Practice, we strive to provide the best office experience for our patients and visitors. If you’ve received excellent care or service, we invite you to share your story with us. Your good news enlightens others about the Crouse Medical Practice experience — and helps us give an employee who’s gone above and beyond a well-deserved pat on the back.

We become a better office by listening to our patients, their family members and our community. If the quality of our care or service didn’t meet your expectations, we want to know about that, too. Our practice administration reviews all comments and works with staff to address your concerns.

Your opinion counts — we don’t just read what you have to say, we try to improve based on your feedback.

Thank you for choosing Crouse Medical Practice.
Seth Kronenberg, MD | President & Chief Medical Officer